
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Cosplay and Charity - Having Fun and Supporting a Cause

A large part of the fun of cosplay is watching the reactions and enjoyment other people get from your costume. What is even better than that? Some cosplayers have turned that enjoyment into a way to help others. Awesome!

So how exactly does "Cause Play" help others? Charity cosplayers visit sick children in the hospital, attend fundraising events, and even run in charity races. (Imagine a 5K in full Iron Man armor.)

Here is a list of just a few of the wonderful groups around the world:

501st Legion

Cosplay for charity, 501st Legion, volunteer, fundraising, costume
Logo is property of 501st Legion

Theme: Star Wars - the Dark Side
Location: The 501st has groups all over the world.
Mission Statement: "...the 501st is proud to put its resources to good use through fundraising, charity work, and volunteerism."
Examples of charities helped: Make-A-Wish, Toys for Tots, Seattle Children's Hospital

Rebel Legion

Cosplay for charity, Rebel Legion, volunteer, fundraising, costume
Logo is the property of Rebel Legion

Theme: Star Wars - the Light Side
Location: Countries around the world.
Mission Statement: "...we follow the lead of Lucasfilm Ltd. by giving back to the community by works of charity and volunteerism."
Examples of charities helped: American Red Cross, Children's Aid Society, Toys for Tots

Heroes Alliance

Cosplay for charity, Heroes Alliance, volunteer, fundraising, costume
Logo is property of Heroes Alliance

Theme: Superheroes from both DC and Marvel 
Location: Hats off! This group started in our own backyard of Tampa, Florida. They also have branches all around the US and in the UK as well. 
About: "... the Heroes Alliance is here to help with a unique role among charity groups in bringing a 'real life' superhero experience to children and families."
Examples of charities helped: All Children's Hospital, Make-A-Wish, Shriner's Hospital

H.E.R.O.I.C. Inc.

Cosplay for charity, Heroic Inc, volunteer, fundraising, costume
Logo is property of  H.E.R.O.I.C. Inc.

Theme: Comic book heroes, princesses, and video game icons
Location: Utah
Mission Statement: "...dedicated to serving the community. Through the use of high-quality costuming and character portrayal we aim to help create fun and engaging environments at no cost to charities and community functions.
Examples of charities helped: Angel's Hands Foundation, Salvation Army, Salt Lake City Library System

Costumers with a Cause

Cosplay charity, Costumers with a Cause, volunteer, fundraising, costume
Logo is property of Costumers With A Cause

Theme: Various themes and characters
Location: Throughout the US
Mission Statement: " work together with children's charity organizations and charity events that promote community growth, unity, and hope for every child's future."
Examples of charities helped: Relay for Life, St Jude's Children's Research Hospital, Make-A-Wish

Pause for a Cause

Cosplay charity, Pause with a Cause, volunteer, fundraising, costume
Logo is property of Pause for a Cause

Theme: "From Power Rangers to Batman..."
Location: Singapore
About: "... dedicated to making dreams come true through cosplay."
Examples of charities helped: Make-A-Wish Singapore, KK Hospital, typhoon disaster relief

Did we miss a cosplay charity group that is near and dear to you? Let us know and we will pass it along in another post!

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